Recycle and Regrow
There is no doubt about the fact that humans have made a severe impact on the overall wellbeing of the planet and its inhabitants. There is also little doubt, that on our own, as individuals, we can do much about this global problem.
However, if each and every one of us do what we can do to help the situation, then things can only get better. That's why we have decided to support an innovative tree planting scheme in Madagascar (run by Eden Projects).
Simply put, EVERY time you purchase an item from Vitali-Chi Ltd. our colleagues will plant a tree on your behalf. Those trees will go onto spawn future trees so this will make a real difference for generations to come, not only trapping potentially harmful carbon but also creating a green and protected environment, for the millions, if not billions of creatures that will inhabit and thrive in the space YOU have created. Just by purchasing one or two of our jars or bottles.
We thank you.
Whilst we're talking about bottles....Yes, it's true! Simply return 3 or more Vitali-Chi jars or bottles to Vitali-Chi Ltd. 110 Coast Road West Mersea CO5 8NA and upon receipt, we will send you a £5 voucher. It's our way of saying thank you to our loyal (and recycling) customers. The planet and Sammy the Seal also say thank you! This is part of our wider commitment, heading toward having a zero carbon footprint and becoming plastic free and organic (where possible). We thank you for playing your part.