Super Balance Wellbeing Spritzer+
Replenishes lost energy and nutrients that cause poor bone strength, nerve, brain, memory, heart, cholesterol plaque, low immune function, poor regulation of hormones, PMS, cyclical symptoms, under or overactive thyroid, prostate, sexual dysfunction and low libido. 50ml

Vibrational Healing Properties
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal.
Usage instructions:
- Spritz in mouth 4 times a day or as often as required.
Note: This alternate method of healing is not meant for replacing your on-going traditional medical treatment. Do not hesitate to visit your doctor in case of any doubts or emergency.
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal. If there are any known allergens contained within this product, they are listed here in bold: None