Allerg-Eze Wellbeing Spritzer+
Assists poor immune function that causes allergies and seasonal allergies. Most effective when taken as a complete course of one or more 50 ml bottles. 50ml

Vibrational Healing Properties
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal.
Usage instructions:
- Spritz once in the mouth 4 times a day or as often as required.
Note: This alternate method of healing is not meant for replacing your on-going traditional medical treatment. Do not hesitate to visit your doctor in case of any doubts or emergency.
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal. If there are any known allergens contained within this product, they are listed here in bold: None