Advance Your Vitali-Chi Practice To Another Level
The Advanced Vitali-Chi Practitioner training provides a framework for the prevention and restoration of ill health. This includes root causes such as stress, relationship conflict and addictive patterns of behaviour that either favourably keep people well or make them sick.
It explains how disease is made and how disease is healed.
Then gives you the tools to help those that are in need, a thorough and speedier form of recovery.
The main stay of this method of wellbeing is Vitali-Chi’s Energy & Wellbeing System.
The system provides a rapid form of healing because of the movement and surfacing of emotions which is a key element to wellbeing. Very often it is the suppression of emotions that causes ill-health. Vitali-Chi helps revitalise and create the restoration of a person’s life force (chi). This helps give the person the motivation to make the necessary changes to their life and lifestyle. Vitali-Chi increases the effectiveness of the Immune System, thereby assisting the prevention and recovery of illness. The system uses vibrational medicine to help heal at a deep cellular level the root cause of the problem which assists homeostasis. All the suggested methods in the Advanced Wellbeing Training are natural and by treating the root cause and avoiding suppression, a complete return to health is shown to be possible. You, as an Advanced Vitali-Chi Practitioner will learn how to encourage the expression of emotions and help the person take responsibility for their wellbeing. You will also learn how to address any imbalances in the person’s behaviour, diet and lifestyle. Together with Vitali-Chi these additional methods will provide the conditions for optimum healing.

Once you have completed the Vitali-Chi Wellbeing Practitioner Course Level 1, you have the opportunity to take Vitali-Chi, the revolutionary Wellbeing System, to a completely different level.
Help achieve the most outstanding results with your patient’s wellbeing.
Learn how this method is capable of detoxing cellular memory, surfacing and dispersing trauma, instructing every cell in the body with new patterns of behaviour, giving the cells what they need to repair.
- How disease is made and how disease is healed, from degeneration to regeneration of the cells
- How your DNA, heart, brain, mind and every cell in your body communicates to each other
- How your emotions can make you well or make you sick
- Self Testing (a form of muscle testing) that accurately pinpoints the problem and finds the exact Vibrational Frequency for the individual
- All about Vibrational Medicine
- How patterns of behaviour affect relationships
- The Root Cause of ill health, weight loss and much more….

- Addictions and addictive behaviour
- The neuroscience of emotions, psycho neuroimmunology and emotional intelligence
- Epigenetics and how we can change our genes
Transform Ill Health & Accelerate Wellbeing With:
- Vitali-Chi Healing Diets
- Easy protocols for addictions, weight loss, cancer and relationship wellbeing
- Many other healing methods

Accredited by the FHT
- Established in 1962, the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) is the largest professional association for complementary, holistic beauty and sports therapists, as well as those starting out or teaching in this exciting and growing industry.
The course is also worth 280 CPD Points (for those interested in Continuous Professional Development).
- A 500+ page PDF Manual (this is a complete guide to health & wellbeing, a distillation of Jill's 35 years hands on experience, coupled with the very latest, and some of the oldest, thinking with regard to 'alternative' therapy).
- 500+ questions to answer (to ensure a deeper understanding)
- Exclusive recorded presentations (to assist with the trickier bits)
- 10 Boxes of Vitali-Chi Vibrational Frequencies to help many mind and body states (£800 value)
- Vitali-Chi products to introduce to your clients
- A qualification to be proud of
- Online training
- Advertising Materials (bespoke to you)
This excellent and easy-to-follow training, complete with your 'how to' manuals, which contain step-by-step guides.
If that wasn't enough, the course also includes exclusive videos (not available anywhere else) and they are complete with very valuable and practical tips.
At the end of the course, you will be a Certificated and Qualified Vitali-Chi Wellbeing Practitioner Advanced and you will be also armed with the knowledge and strategies to enable you to market your newfound knowledge and services.
This is the updated content we used to teach in our physical workshops, but now those valuable lessons are online and you can study at a pace to suit yourself.
Vitali-Chi Wellbeing Practitioner Course - Advanced
Once you have completed the Vitali-Chi Wellbeing Practitioner Course Level 1, this is the complete Advanced course, including manuals, questions, videos, pdfs, frequency sets, products, advertising materials, unyielding support and a whole lot more.
Empowered Energy: Harness the power of Vitali-Chi and become an empowered energy practitioner with our comprehensive course.