VITALI-CHI BOOST - Vitali-Chi - Pure and Natural
VITALI-CHI BOOST - Vitali-Chi - Pure and Natural
VITALI-CHI BOOST Für Gesundheit, Energie, Beziehungen und Wohlbefinden - Das Body Repair System
VITALI-CHI BOOST Für Gesundheit, Energie, Beziehungen und Wohlbefinden - Das Body Repair System

VITALI-CHI BOOST Für Gesundheit, Energie, Beziehungen und Wohlbefinden - Das Body Repair System


VITALI-CHI BOOST enhances and safely delivers natural healing vibrations via the energy field. Assists all health issues including skin care, regeneration, weight loss, personal, psychic and spiritual development or relationship wellbeing. That's why we call it The Body Repair System, perfect for tackling all sorts of ailments, including arthritis.

Vitali-Chi Boost - The Body Repair System (Tackling Arthritis - On Your Own Terms)


Non-invasive, no drugs, no needles

Vitali-Chi is a non-invasive health and wellbeing system and works particularly well with patients who are suffering from arthritis. VITALI-CHI BOOST safely delivers and increases the potency of natural healing vibrations which help break down the calcification process leading to arthritis. Then gently helps the body to detoxify the calcification. The system may also assist many other symptoms of illness, general wellbeing, skin care, regeneration and weight loss. That is why this is called The BODY REPAIR SYSTEM. Communication to the cells increases, thereby enhancing the immune system. The additional booster is thought to disrupt bacteria, pathogens and damaged cells and existing energy doubles after just one hour of use. 

This is the system used by VITALI-CHI PRACTITIONERS & SALONS around the country, but you can use it at home with equal effect. The system will induce the deeply relaxing Theta Brain Wave state which increases cell regeneration and encourages DNA to repair and heal. Very importantly it decreases the production of cortisol linked to ageing, stress, fatigue, inflammation and pain.

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint.  Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common types of arthritis. The most commonly affected joints are those in the hands, spine, knees and hips. 
Besides the wearing down of cartilage, osteoarthritis can affect the entire joint. It causes changes in the bone and deterioration of the connective tissues that hold the joint together and attach muscle to bone. It also causes inflammation of the joint lining. This makes movement more difficult than usual, leading to pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bone and enables joint motion, wears down over time. Should the cartilage wear down completely, bone will rub on bone. 

Once the cartilage lining starts to roughen and thin out, the tendons and ligaments have to work harder

This can cause swelling and the formation of bony spurs called osteophytes.
Severe loss of cartilage can lead to bone rubbing on bone, altering the shape of the joint and forcing the bones out of their normal position.
Osteoarthritis can occur at any age as a result of an injury or be associated with other joint-related conditions, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis. 
It can also be genetic or be caused by physical labour in your work where you create a wearing down of the joint from continuously kneeling, squatting or climbing stairs or by being overweight. 
Excessive, extreme sports can also lead to a wearing of the joints allowing space for calcium deposits (calcification) to rest.

Calcification Contributes To Arthritis

Calcification around the joint contributes directly to joint degeneration and arthritis. Calcification refers to the long-term process of laying down and depositing calcium salts or crystals in the soft tissues of the body or around the joints where calcium does not usually belong. If the tendons and cartilage breakdown and degenerate, there will be space for calcium deposits to lay in between the fibres and soft tissues or around joints. Calcium can also get deposited in arteries, kidneys, heart valves, nerve sheaths, gallbladder (as stones), glands, eyes, skin, arterial walls, middle ear, and even in the brain. 

Calcium is found inside the joints in the synovial fluid, which is a viscous fluid with an egg-white consistency, vital for reducing friction between the articular cartilage of synovial joints when they are moved.

60% Of Replaced Joints Contain Calcium Crystals

The calcium contained in the fluid may crystallise and when this happens the crystals damage the articular surfaces. This results in the breakdown of cartilage by the enzymes released during the damage, leading to swelling and tenderness, inflamed skin over the joint and pain and stiffness in addition to a general feeling of being unwell. In up to 60% of joints that require replacement surgery for osteoarthritis, calcium-containing crystals are found.

Medically There Is No Cure For Arthritis

But there are treatments available, namely disease-modifying anti-rheumatic/arthritic drugs (DMARDs) and biological treatments. Both come with warnings and the following side effects are possible:
  + feeling sick
  + loss of appetite
  + a sore mouth
  + diarrhoea
  + headaches
  + hair loss
  + blood and liver damage
  + skin reactions at the site of the injections
  + infections It is quite a list.

Now there is a kinder alternative to treating arthritis called Vitali-Chi BoostIt WILL make a massive difference to you and those around you. Vitali-Chi Boost PLUS also comes with 16 unique guided visualisations, which will help with many other aspects of your life.

HOW Vitali-Chi Boost HELPS 

Vitali-Chi Boost is an energy and wellbeing system that revitalises and regulates the natural energy that flows through your body.

  • Enhances the Immune System
  • Increases communication to the cells
  • Cells in your body become lighter, brighter and stronger 
  • Booster helps disrupt bacteria, pathogens and damaged cells
  • Doubles your existing energy after just one hour of use
  • Detox – Assists the organs of elimination
  • Induces a Theta Brain Wave State, the self-healing state which:-
  • Encourages DNA to repair and heal
  • Increases production of hormones Melatonin, DHEA, HGH
  • Decreases production of cortisol linked to ageing, stress, fatigue.
  • Also reduces inflammation and pain. Helps with arthritis.



VITALI-CHI BOOST enhances and safely delivers natural healing vibrations via the energy field. Assists all health issues including arthritis, skin care, regeneration, weight loss, personal, psychic and spiritual development or relationship wellbeing.

Two Other Products We'd Also Like To Recommend To Help With Your Arthritis

To assist the process of breaking down calcium deposits that can lead to symptoms of arthritis we recommend using two of our amazing products.

The key to their success is the use of natural vibrational properties that help to break down the composition of calcium deposits.

Super-Eze Gel is designed to be rubbed onto affected areas, giving effective and instant relief for pain and inflammation of joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Super-Eze Bath Salts are best used in a bath but may be used in a foot bath or as a compress over stiff joints. They draw out acid from the body, thereby decreasing inflammation. Add back key minerals to reduce further pain and use healing essential oils to further enhance their effects.

We have had some outstanding results, especially in the treatment of arthritis.
Using them together further enhances their effects.

Why not save and buy both together?

This is what our customers are saying about these fantastic products.....

Super-Eze Gel+
This is amazing, the swelling on my arthritic hands has gone down it’s the first time I’ve seen my hands their normal size in a long time and the ache in my knee has completely gone.  Leilah A. 
This product is a godsend. It provides great relief with stiff neck, headaches, arm pain, injuries ... the list goes on, I always have a pot with me. Dawn
Agree with Dawn’s review, always have a pot with me for stiff neck and shoulders, little aches from running, knees, ankles etc and on a lovely natural level the aches dissolve. Highly recommend, and it lasts for ages, and you can apply as regularly as needed! Alison B.
I have been seeing Jill for many years for various problems either physical or mental. Recently for multiple problems including arthritic hands, hip pain, sciatic pain and numbness down my right leg, (I'm on the waiting list for a hip op.) and severe restriction of movement of my right shoulder. Jill got to work with her special skills and everything has improved together with the help of her Vitali-Chi system and Super-Eze Gel+. I now have full use of my thumbs, I don't limp when I leave her.

Super-Eze Bath Salts+
Amazing bath salts. I fell off my manual scooter yesterday, after a soak in the bath in the evening and an amazing nights sleep (best sleep for years) I am absolutely thrilled how well I have recovered from my tumble. Thank you so much xxx Pauline G. 
I use these salts when I’m feeling a bit low, under the weather, exhausted or a little achy and after I have soaked in these salts, I can honestly say that I can feel noticeably better as soon as I get out of the bath. I would highly recommend these bath salts.  Emma C. 
These salts really helped to ease aching muscles.  Jane T.
These are fantastic, you just have to read the informative product description to understand the benefits. But whether you are aching from sport and need to soak or are achy and tense from too much desk sitting these salts really treat those aches and assist the body in getting rid of them. Alison B. 
Fantastic product- I have purchased numerous tubs of these bath salts very relaxing scent, brilliant for aches and pains whilst also physically and mentally relaxing your whole body, highly recommend!  Natasha T. 

IDEA: Why not save and buy both together?


We do not claim to cure. This method of healing is not to be used in place of or postponement of traditional medical treatment, so if in doubt please see your doctor. But first, please read what our clients are saying about Vitali-Chi....

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