Looking For Calm? Create Calm With Super Calm AromaFrequencies+ Made With 100% Pure Lavender & Neroli Essential Oils
Helps create calm made by anger, agitation, restlessness, hyper-activity, fears, phobias, panic, inner hysteria, anxiousness and frayed nerves. Contains natural vibrational healing properties, Lavender & Neroli Essential Oils. 10ml
All our AromaFrequencies can be used in any one of our Aroma Diffusers. Add 3-6 drops. They can also be used in baths, showers and massage oils. Please see bottle for correct dilutions. They can also be used like a smelling salt with a quick inhalation

Vibrational Healing Properties
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal.
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal. If there are any known allergens contained within this product, they are listed here in bold: Linalool, Limonene, Farnesol, Geraniol, Citral, Coumarin.