If you are looking to make some changes, or need assistance during a difficult time, then these patches will certainly help. Also great for addictions and allergies, including hay fever. These are unique blends of natural vibrational healing properties suspended in hypo-allergenic patches, suitable for an array of maladies. Simply apply to skin and forget them. Effective delivery of properties over a 24 hour period and up to 10 days. Simply order and specify your patches. They can be mixed and matched. Please contact Jill if you need any extra advice.
Wellbeing Patches Set of 4 = £15 or Set of 12 = £35
ALLERG-EZE Assists poor immune function that causes hay fever and other allergies. Suitable for allergy related skin conditions, nasal congestion, itchy watery eyes and shortness of breath. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
CRYSTAL CLEAR Helps cleanse the aura of geopathic stress, electric and magnetic fields, emotional debris, mental anguish, negative forces and negative past life imprints. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
IMMUNE DEFENSE Suitable protection against viruses, respiratory conditions, coughs, colds, flu, infections, bacteria and fungus.
NICO QUIT Prepares one to quit smoking and may be used before, during or after quitting. Eases withdrawal. Assists detoxification of cells. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
RELATIONSHIP HARMONY Assists broken down, disconnected, discordant relationships. Encourages boundaries, assertive communication and agreements that create fairness, respect, equality, understanding and forgiveness. Most effective when worn by both parties. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
SUPER BALANCE Replenishes lost energy and nutrients that cause poor bone strength, nerve, brain, memory, heart, cholesterol plaque, low immune function, poor regulation of hormones, PMS, cyclical symptoms, under or overactive thyroid, prostate, sexual dysfunction and low libido. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
SUPER CALM Helps create calm made by anger, agitation, restlessness, hyper-activity, fears, phobias, panic and anxiousness. Helping you to cope through adversity. Helpful for bladder problems. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
SUPER PICK-ME-UP Eases feelings of being unable to cope that may cause depression. Uplifts the mind. Supports personal power to overcome difficulties. Helps detox the mind of extreme negative thinking that may create intrusive thoughts. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
TRAUM-EZE Trauma aid and ‘emergency rescue remedy’ that is needed after grief, shock, distress, an abused ‘inner child’, deep distressing cellular memories and before and after care for operations and dental work. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.
WELL WOMAN The All Natural HRT Alternative. Suitable for low libido, painful periods, hormonal imbalance, heavy bleeding, inflammation, polyps, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, menopause and vaginal dryness. Contains natural vibrational healing properties suspended in a hypo-allergenic patch.