VGeneré Fragranced Face Oil+
Light face oil suitable for all skin types, pigmentation, broken capillaries, fine lines and wrinkles. Containing the same oils as VGeneré Face Oil, but fragranced with Lemon and Sandalwood Amyris essential oils to further reduce cell and tissue damage and promote skin elasticity. 30ml

Lemon Essential Oil - The benefits of lemon oil can be attributed to its stimulating, calming, carminative, anti-infection, astringent, detoxifying, antiseptic, disinfectant, sleep-inducing, and antifungal properties.

Vibrational Healing Properties
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal.
VITALI-CHI Wellbeing and Skin Care Products are infused with natural vibrational healing properties sourced from flowers, herbs, essential oils and earth minerals. This unique vibrational formula helps at a deep level and enhances positive cell renewal. If there are any known allergens contained within this product, they are listed here in bold: Limonene.